Floor Refinishing

Floor Refinishing (Stripping and Waxing)

Vinyl flooring is cost effective, attractive, remarkably sturdy and wear resistant, and with proper care it will retain its original beauty for years.

But the key is proper care. All vinyl flooring requires regular cleaning and maintenance to ensure its durability, appearance and safety. Because of the high volume and type of traffic on commercial flooring, it is important to set up a maintenance program designed specifically for each location. Clean Right Southeast professionals understand the maintenance requirements of various types of flooring and installations and are trained to provide a high level of service.

Prior to undertaking any project, we will carefully inspect your flooring, study traffic patterns and devise a plan to do the job right. Our crews are carefully screened before we hire them and trained before they start work. We work nights and weekends and will develop a maintenance program to keep your commercial flooring looking its best.